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2023 news update
NMHSNZ have held their 2023 AGM on 15th July at Te Awamutu.
The new Committee executive positions can be found on the Contact header at the top. We welcome our new Committee members, and say a sad farewell to some of our Committee - and thank them for our hard work over the many years.
This was the 30th AGM since incorporation and it is great to see the Society thriving 30 years later.
Great news - membership fees stay the same for the upcoming year.
Hipoints - congratulations to all our winners, we have an amazing array of trophies - for both local, Nationwide and NZ awards. Please remember to enter hipoints this coming season, fill out an entry form for each horse and download a record card for each horse to record their results. Then submit to the hipoints co-ordinator by 1st April 2024.
Our registry continues to grow, registering with NMHSNZ has the bonus that your horses are eligible to show at all A&P shows throughout NZ. We have a winter $5 dual registration special until 31st August 2023, then it comes back to $10 (which is still a great price!).
Again we have half price hardship fees again this season.
Show dates - look on the Upcoming Events tab. We would love to see you at both our shows - North Island Championship Show on 16th/17th December at Hawera, and our Grand Championship Show at Cambridge Lodge on 13th/14th January 2024. We have beautiful rosettes, ribbons, garlands and great judges. We accept NZMHA, RAS, AIM height certificates, but can also issue NMHSNZ height certificates on the Friday night before each of the two shows if required.
We would love sponsorship for either show - please contact the Secretary if you would like to sponsor.
Have a great breeding and show season everybody.
Keep a watch on our facebook page - the National Miniature Horse Soc of NZ Inc - for regular updates.
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